A friend had heard good things about Coffee Supreme's Thursday morning coffee tastings, so off we headed to check it out.
I’m not quite sure what I expected but, had I thought it through, then embarking upon a coffee tasting tanked up with my usual breakfast time double-shot flat white probably wasn’t the smartest idea.
Despite my love of strong coffee, I can’t drink a double shot after around 9 am if I plan to be asleep before 2 o’clock the following morning. Tragic but true. Today I downed around seven shots by mid morning so heaven help me tonight.
But it was worth it because the tasting session was amazing. Every week’s session involves different types of coffee prepared using different techniques – espresso, plunger, filter, drip, etc.
Today’s session used Chemex filters and five different Ethiopian, Brazilian and Costa Rican beans and roasts that work best for filters. |
As much as I’d loved to have lolled about sipping upon a succession of flat whites, a coffee tasting is an academic rather than a hedonistic experience because the samples are unadorned by either milk or sugar so as to enable you to experience their true aromas and flavours.
We found there was a surprising variation in each coffee’s acidity, aroma, mouth feel and flavour. My favourite was the one that smelled like Whittaker’s peanut slabs!
Coffee Supreme's expert spent a good 45 minutes with us and happily answered our plethora of questions. It was an incredibly informative session and we came out buzzing in every sense of the word.
Coffee Supreme's tasting counter: 42 Douglas St * Ponsonby * Auckland
Ph 376 2784 * www.coffeesupreme.com
Supreme’s wonderful weekly tasting.
But wait, there's more! At the risk of lowering the tone, I thought you'd appreciate these...
Coffee art gone mad #1: At Kenzie Cafe, Manukau Road, Epsom. Crema cats, pandas, pigs, butterflies - you name it. All rendered in impressive detail and almost too unbearably cute to drink. |